Monday, March 12, 2007

Latest Birthday Present

My birthday keeps going on and on! My sweet friend, Leigh Bucklad made me this AWESOME purse for my birthday. You read that right, made me this purse. It is my new spring purse and I feel way cute wearing it around. Leigh is the best!

BTW: this leads me into a rant on how I have had a bad self-image for years. I never realized it before. But now that I am losing all of the baby weight and my clothes are fitting me again, I am going through boxes of clothes that I stored from before Asher, after Asher and early Lucy. I really think that I had a misguided sense of what my body looked like in clothes. I say this because, I am wearing clothes that I bought before I was pregnant with Asher. Now, I weigh just a few pounds more than I did when I got pregnant with him and so this leads me to believe that my clothes were just hanging off of me for years (and nobody said anything!).

I say this because I hate the way that my jeans look on me know, they feel really loose and baggy through the legs, but I can't go down a size quite yet because if I did; I would be the biggest offender of the muffin-top phenomenon. And maybe, just maybe, this was the problem that I believed that I had before Asher (I am saying this as a qualifier-because I could be wrong about how I looked before!). But I think that I just didn't have a good self-image and believed that my body looked worse than it actually did.

This idea makes me really sad for the time that I lost worrying and doubting myself. I spent years covering up and hiding what was actually a pretty good body. Now, after two kids I will never get back there. But I am pretty happy with what I have been able to achieve so far and I think that I am the healthiest mentally that I have been in years about who I am and whose I am.

But looking back, I regret how I felt about how I looked and about the torture that I carried with me about not looking good enough...when it was pretty darn good. I might try to remember this in the future when I trash myself while I am at the gym! It makes me always want to tell high school girls and others when I hear them make comments about how they look to just go ahead and enjoy what they have. You body; free of stretch marks, scars and flab, won't always be there!

I would love to hear any comments from you about things that you regret not enjoying enough while you had it!


Anonymous said...

That purse is awesome! Can i have it. That makes my belated present look like dookie.

you have always had a hot bod. what the heck you talkin bout.

i regret not getting along with my sister in high school. i was too cool. now she's my bff.

Anonymous said...

my 40 something body has always been jealous of your twenty something have always been the cutest to me and our family...we love u just the way you are (which has always been beautiful)....i agree with robin...what the heck u talkin bout???

Michelle said...

Ditto on Mary and Robin's comments. Your great bod is and always has been perfect. I have also always liked your wardrobe. Your clothing style is very cute and pulled together, yet relaxed--just like your personality. Also, don't think that your clothes fit you now the way they did before. Your body "shifts" after childbirth, so it's an entirely different situation. I actually threw out most of my pre-baby clothes because nothing sat on me correctly anymore. Si?

Unknown said...

While I appreciate the comments, that's not really what I was writing about. I was saying that I had an unhealthy perspective on how I thought that I looked. I know that all of us have things about ourselves that we don't like, that NOBODY else sees and we beat ourselves to a pulp mentally. And, usually it is something that doesn't even exist and we just aren't living in reality about what we really look like and how God made us to look the way we do. We spit in His face when we drag ourselves over what we perceive to be "flaws". I was just saying that I regret having spent years doing this when in retrospect, I really had nothing to complain about. But enough about that: Isn't my new purse way cute?

Michelle said...

YES! I love that purse! Can you tell me if it's possible to order my own?