honoree of the day: Richard Dean Phillips
Lindsey Deitz's Paternal Grandfather who was a WWII vet and died of mesothelioma.
Lindsey is a neighbor of mine and a very close friend. She has two girls my kids ages and we met one day when our kids were seeking new playmates. We found out that we had a mutual connection because of Young Life! Lindsey went to frontier Ranch when she was in high school with our regional director Lynn Barclay! It is so fun when you have it completely confirmed how small the world really is.
Why are you honoring him? Granddaddy was a quiet, sweet soul who genuinely loved his family. I never heard him say a bad word about anyone or raise his voice. He always had an open lap to hop up in and listen to "The Flying Sandbox" that he would read aloud. Whenever I think I can't play one more board game with my girls, I think of all the rounds of "Candyland" that Granddaddy endured with his grandkids. I always feel like I had a special bond with Granddaddy because I actually am the spitting image of what his mom looked like. I don't know why that makes me feel this way, but it does and it makes me feel like I am linked to a past long ago.
What has helped you through trying times?
Always, through trying times I reach for my Bible to hear the promises made to us that were relevant then and just as relevant today in our situations. Also, sweet memories of my childhood always make trying adult circumstances seem less daunting. "I have made you; I will carry you; I will sustain you; and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4
Favorite quote: "My faith rests not upon what I am; or shall be, or feel, or know, but in what Christ is, in what He has done and in what He is now doing for me." --Charles Spurgeon
Pump Up Songs-Lately I'm loving "Big Data", George Michael Pandora Station and Missy Elliot when I'm feeling sassy.
My weirdest Pump Up Song is Lana Del Ray, "Will You Still Love Me When I'm No Longer Young and Beautiful?" (Can you tell I've hit mid-30's angst?) and lastly PM Dawn "Through Patient Eyes"... Seriously if you haven't heard this song from the early 90s Google it! If the songs are wrong I don't want to be right!
Just a reminder about what the #sharingstreak is all about: I am fundraising for families with terminal illnesss for the charity Inheritance of Hope for the Marine Corps Marathon.
For time period between Memorial Day and 4th of July, I am running at least a mile a day. I am asking for donations to IOH and will share the stories of the donors on my blog. The stories can be stories of hope through cancer, loss, or of military service ideally.
If you would like to make a donation, that can be done here-----> Inheritance of Hope.