Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Camera

Okay, so I bought a new camera. I went with the Canon Powershot S2. It is last year's model and I looked at the newer one in the store and really liked it. I am happy so far with this camera, but I am having to use some manual options in order to get the shots that I like, which is a little bit of a bother...but it is kind of fun to actually use some photography knowledge that I have stored away! Here are the best of the pictures that I have taken today. I took the ones of Asher outside in the beautiful weather that we are having while Lucy was taken an extra long afternoon nap. God bless her. Any thoughts or reactions???


  1. Oh! So many cute pics of my little nephew. He is just A-dorable! It's really so fun to read your blog for me b/c there are a ton of similiarities to my own life. Like for one...Sarah is Asher's brother from another mother. She constantly finds food tucked into her chair that I had previously cleaned. Yuck. Luckily for me, I'm now the kind of mother who doesn't let that kind of thing (germs, bacteria) worry me anymore. :)Hahaha!
    I really love the pics from your brand spanking new camera. Plus, it makes me so happy that I now have a way to see photos of your gorgeous family routinely. You look fabulous by the way!
    A big happy birthday to you on Friday!!!! Wish I could be there to celebrate your last year in the 20's.Count on me for sure when you hit the big 3-0!

  2. Well thank you my dear sister for the sweet and funny comments. You are the best and I hope that we get to see each other soon (spring is just around the corner and so I hope an end to the endless colds and ear infections that interrupt our plans to be together!)
    I love you!

  3. The pics are wonderful! What really stood out for me is how much u look like your mom in your picture.
