Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Note to People Who Drink and Drive

Last night, as Matt was on his way home from Work Crew Training (high school kids who are learning spiritual disciplines to prepare them to work at YL camps this summer), he was sitting at a stop light when a drunk driver swerved into his car and hit him going at a pretty fast clip. Thankfully no one was hurt. But the guy hit Matt's car right perpendicular to the front wheels of the car. Matt is pretty sure that he broke the axle. After the police arrived, he was arrested on the spot. Matt said it was really sad and heartbreaking because the man knew that his whole life was about to change and he had to just sit there and wait for the police to come.

This is only a two-year old car that the YL area bought for Matt and his staff to use. Now it could possibly be totaled just because this guy decided to drink and get behind the wheel. And from what Matt says, he didn't just have one beer! It really could have turned out much worse if he had hit the car at Matt's door instead of at the front wheel. We are so thankful!

One other note about this incident, it proved to both of us how different Matt and I really are (as if we needed confirmation!). After I picked Matt, Anne Marie and Nate up; Matt realized he had no idea where his car was towed to and that he forgot to take all of his other keys off of the keyring! So today is going to be an adventure trying to track down where the police tow all cars that have been in an accident and hopefully retrieving Matt's office and home keys off of the keyring!

1 comment:

  1. i mean, what the hell, darcel?

    that, my friend, sucks big time.
