Friday, February 9, 2007


I thought that I would start a blog because I was never updating our family homepage because it took forever for charter let me upload any edits that I was making, so I thought that this might be easier. Also, there are moments every single day that I think to myself, "I ought to go write that down right now." And yet, I don't. And so many things; thoughts, ideas, dreams, and self-reflection has been lost because I haven't taken the time to go ahead and write it up. I have no idea if anybody is even going to read this thing, but I am going to pull the trigger and see what happens!

Happy reading and welcome to my blog!


  1. Hi friend. You are so cute with your adorable babies. My sister is having her second any day now, and I will go down to flordia and help. I am sure I will be feeling a lot of the same frustrations, only I don't know if the "I'm cute forgive me" trick works on anyone but moms. We'll see. I haven't ever seen a "BLOG", didn't know what one was, but this is pretty fun. Hey listen, Robbie and I would love to get together. Weekends are really the only time that works for us. Let me know if there is a good one for you.

    Miss you guys,

  2. what a great idea,, thoughts and a place to give back!...since i am the very worst at consistent communication, this works for's probably time for a night out?..i was half way thinking of leasing a car and asking if you and the babies wanted to drive to jax with me to see the smiths and celebrate mags that nuts? love sandy
