Thursday, March 15, 2007

Crazy Health Update

I wanted to give m readers an update on what is going on with Buffy and her twins and with Jeannie and Nate's back.

Buffy just emailed and this is what she said:
"The bottom line is that both girls are growing, though the little one is still smaller. The technician said that they both look great, though. The little one is moving around a TON, which is encouraging. The "big" one is pretty active too, so needless to say, my belly is quite a playground these days.

Thank you so much for praying. We go back in two weeks and if there's any change (negatively) they may put me on steroids in order to encourage the babies' organs to grow just in case they need to deliver them early. Please continue to pray that they will both grow at the rate they are "supposed" to and that they will stay in there as long as they need to in order to come out healthy!"

And on Nate and his back:

"He is supposed to have an MRI done tomorrow morning (Friday), but he has a slight fever today. If the fever doesn't go away, then they'll have to put it off. "

So please keep praying. Neither of these situations is "out of the woods" and there is going to be a lot going on in the next few weeks. Thank you for your faithfulness and for loving us and our family!

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