Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Big Man

Today is my Big Man's birthday! Count 'em, 31 big ones! We have been talking about how in the last two years, both of us became grown ups. We have two kids, own a house, jobs that are professional (not starter jobs) and we are married.
On one hand, you can see that as a sad thing (to be a grown up) because you miss out on all of the sponteneity and freedom that you had as an adolescent. But more and more, I think that we are enjoying being grown ups. Because there is freedom in not having to fall for every trend, or to keep up with who knows what. We can just learn to grow closer together, to our kids and form our own lives that are not determined by outside forces, but just with each other.

I love that I am married to Matt Sloan and that six years ago, we were just two months away from getting married. I love that so much has changed between us in six years. I love that I have known him for ten years. I love that he has known me for ten years. I hope that I get to spend every birthday with him for the rest of our lives.

I am so grateful for him and his love for me. I am so glad that he has turned another year older because it means that we have made it one more year with each other. The Lord has shined his face upon me because Matt is in my life, has been in my life and will be (Lord willing) for many more birthdays.

There is nothing quite as strong for love as seeing your husband reach out and love your children well. Matt is an amazing father (with his faults and I have mine) and I love that we are learning to be parents together. I love that he puts me before our kids and that I put him before the kids. We are together in this thing and I love that. He is the man that I always dreamed of as my husband.

I love you!

Happy Birthday Old Man.


  1. what a stud!!!

    i still can't believe you married Matt Sloan!

    Happy Birthday Matt! I love you & your large noggin.

  2. Happy Birthday Bro-in-law! Our little Leslie is awfully lucky to have such a great hubby. You really are one of the great men of this world! Love ya!


    I can still remember exactly where I was standing in Puerto Rico on that day, March 19, 1976, when Linda called to tell me that she had given birth to the very first boy in our family on MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I was so honored and excited--and still am!

    Hope you have a great day!

    Love, Judy
