Monday, March 5, 2007

Here we are at the start of a brand new week! My parents were in town this weekend and we had great fun playing with the kiddos. Here are some of the highlighted pics:

I am starting out the week pretty tired after hosting them all weekend, but I am excited because warmer weather is starting to happen more often. I HATE the winter and especially with Asher it has been hard because all he wants to do is go outside and run around. So we broke out the bubbles this weekend and it just made me look forward to spring so much! I also bought Lucy a little bathing suit for our trip to the beach next month and it is so cute! Blue gingham with little cherries on it-too precious!
The best part of the weekend was that my mom took over with the kids at key times so that I could get a nap or sleep in a little. Even though Lucy is sleeping through the night, I feel like I am still operating out of a sleep deficit from her first three months. I feel pretty beat most days, so it was great to just sleep and not have any worries! I slept so hard yesterday, I felt like I had been drugged!
It actually made me feel like I was a teenager again. I was just taking a nap, not worrying about anything. It was bliss. When was the last time that I felt that free? I have no idea!

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