Sunday, March 18, 2007

Last Night

Okay, so I now might have a sense of humor about what transpired at my house last night to actually talk about it.

Matt and I are redoing our bathroom and so he has been working like a dog on it. And the bathroom is looking so good. I love it! We are painting it a really nice creamy green and putting down ceramic tile. So, Matt was painting last night so that we could begin to put down the tile this week. I was trying to get Lucy to sleep (which is still a challenge without the swaddle) when Matt finished painting. I could hear him cleaning everything up when Lucy started crying and I had to go into her room to put the pacifier back in her mouth (for the 28th time). Matt walked into the living room and peeked into her room to see how I was doing. As I came out of her room, I saw paint-GREEN FREAKING PAINT dripping from the bottom of the grocery store bag that he put the wet paint pan into and it was a steady stream all over the carpet. It was leaving a trail like Hansel and Gretal throughout our house.

I yelled out to him, "Aghhh, get out of the house! You're dripping paint!" Which then woke Lucy up for the 29th time.

When he came back inside, he set about cleaning up the paint by rubbing it into the carpet. I quickly put a stop to that and got him some Woolite carpet cleaner and sprayed all of the paint that I could see. Then I had to get Lucy, because she was still awake from my earlier outburst and I had to feed her. Matt started to clean again, but this time with a clean cloth and was dabbing at the spots, but quickly moved to a frantic rubdown. He was making some progress, but eventually (in the worst area) he got most of the paint up, but it also tinted the area green. It was also making so much noise that Lucy could not settle down to eat. I asked Matt to take a break until I could get her asleep.

After Lucy fell asleep, we searched the internet and many sites suggested just using lukewarm water, dishwashing soap and a nail brush. I got to work with that method and it worked remarkably well. The only problem was that as I started cleaning up, I noticed that the work area about quadrupled because apparently my husband was doing laps while carrying wet paint around in our house! I was so mad, I couldn't even talk. Matt knew that I was beyond angry because he kept saying, "I triple bagged it. I triple bagged it!" Which really only served to make me more mad because; 1) Why wasn't he using a regular garbage bag instead of the grocery bags? I don't even trust dog poop in those things. Why trust WET FREAKIN' PAINT?
2) Why are you even moving wet paint? We aren't using that bathroom. It easily could have sat until tomorrow. Ughh.

The whole time I was cleaning, I was trying to tell myself to have a sense of humor about this and to relax. I mean, it was coming up and it was alright. But I was having a really hard time laughing. It simply was not funny at the time. But looking back, I mean after the day that I had with Asher throwing up at least ten times, his diarrhea, Lucy crying endlessly and Matt was gone all morning while I dealt with it and then, right when we were feeling good about the bathroom and everything...BAM it all blows up again. That's funny. The key to comedy is timing and boy, was it hitting last night!

So we cleaned and got a significant amount of the paint up by around 1am. Then Matt decided he wanted to go and check on Asher because he had been asleep since 6pm. About ten minutes later, Asher and Matt both came upstairs. Strike 2. It turned out that Asher had a messy diaper and Matt changed it and of couse, Asher woke up. He was super thirsty from having thrown up all day and so we gave him a little bit of water. He threw that up in about three minutes. So we gave him more phinergan and Matt settled in for an all-nighter of watching the Wiggles.

I gave Matt a Happy St. Patrick's Day and thanks for painting-the-carpet-green kiss and went to bed.
The carpet looks fine today and once we steam clean the carpets (which we have to do because of all of the puke) you won't be able to tell there was ever a problem. But, I am pretty sure that we all learned a lesson. Don't move wet paint. Don't trust grocery store bags. Give your children phinergan every night.


  1. You are so smart to find a way to laugh at the humor in these moments. PLUS--now that you've memorialized it here on the blog, you won't ever forget the funniest way you've ever spent St. Patrick's Day!!!

  2. Oh
    I'm back at the 'Gap--you free anytime this week?
    Tell Asher I'll bring him some rasins to decorate your carpet/floor with...

  3. girl... swaddle little Lucy! I swaddled Addie until she was 6 mos. and one day, she just decided she didn't need it- she kicked out of it and that was the end of the straight jacket. My good friend and I tried to stop at 3 mos- and it didn't work for either of our kids, sooooooo, girl, I wouldn't stop something that works :) we used to joke about how she was going to go to spend the night at a friend's house and would need to be swaddled! luckily, it didn't take long for her to grow out of it!

  4. sounds like fun!!
