Monday, March 12, 2007

Lookee what was in our front yard this morning!

I went outside to let Slappy (the weiner dog) out and I heard "gobble gobble gobble" (it doesn't really sound like that. I just have no other literary reference for a way to say it.) and I yelled to Matt to get Asher and come outside. Matt is so ready for turkey season and this just got him started! It was really funny because Matt told Asher that these were turkeys and Asher looked at them and said, "Yummy!" Oh our little carnivore.

Asher hasn't stopped saying the "turkey" all day long now. And he says it with a really hard, "k" so it sounds like "tur-KEY".

Once we went inside, the turkeys got it on. Sweet Spring Morn.

click on the 2nd picture to get an idea of just how incredibly colorful and beautiful these turkey were this morning.


  1. sweet little meat eater.

    do you mean to say that those turkeys were straight doing it? How do they get past all those feathers? Please explain.


  2. edward loved this one!! he is probably sharing it right now with all his 8 yr old friends on the schoolbus...your blog news travels fast!!
