Friday, March 16, 2007

Lucy in the Swaddle with Diamonds

Last night I decided that Lucy had been swaddled long enough and it was time for her to learn to sleep without being hogtied by her blanket. For the uninitiated, swaddling is recommended for newborns up to three months old in order to simulate life in the womb and to harness the baby's startle reflex. Somewhere around three months, supposedly children get too strong for the swaddle and then they are unwrapped and run the risk of suffocation due to having blankets in the crib. Lucy has not been able to escape from my professional swaddling job, but I am sick of having to do it. Also, it means that we really can't go out at night because nobody else knows how to do it. So off with the Swaddle last night.

She didn't do too badly. But it did stink because I had to get up about a million times in the middle of the night to give her the pacifier, to feed her (which I haven't done in months) and to just say, "night night." I have been so used to getting at least 10 hours without her waking that this was a bit of a shocker. I know that this is going to happen for the next few nights until she gets used to it. But, uggh...I was paying for it today. Which is why there aren't many posts up today. So sorry.

The benefit has been that she was pretty tired today. When I took her to the Y this morning, the ladies just picked her up the first time she fussed and she was out like a light!

We'll just see how things go tonight. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend she will be back to sleeping like a champ!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so sweet and snuggly in the swaddle. I hope that you're right and that she'll transition to life w/o it in a few days.
    Here in NJ, I was up twice with Peter and 3 times with Sarah. PLUS I've been stuck in this house since Thursday thanks to the snowstorm. There's not enough coffee in the world to make this day easier. Where, oh where, is the our snowplow man????
