Saturday, March 24, 2007

Montezuma's Revenge Strikes Again

Last night, the stomach virus came out swinging. I had spent the greater part of the day recovering from yesterday morning and I thought that I was doing alright. But no. OH NO.

Everything came back with a vengance at the convenient time 11:30pm. I believe that the pain and illness peaked around 2am when I was stumbling towards the bathroom for the 20th time of the night doubled over and crying out in pain. But thankfully that was the last time and I finally got to go sleep for the night.

Today is a new day! I feel amazing and I believe that all traces of Montezuma's Revenge have left my body. I have been able to eat and not live in fear. Amazing! Hallelujah!

One new thing that is fun is that Lucy has figured out to roll over. Asher couldn't roll over until six months and here Lucy is at four months already turning over! I can't believe it! Of course, Asher also outweighed Lucy by ten pounds at this point so that might have been holding him back. Here is a picture of Lucy having rolled over from her back to the front.

Asher experienced his first popsicle of the year yesterday. I am pretty sure that the word "Love" does not accurately describe his feelings towards this treat.


  1. Mmmm, flavor ice.
    That brings back many happy memories of time with the Moldrup kids!
    Probably good for you, too, what with your stomach craziness.

  2. It's actually funnier that it isn't's a Pedialyte popsicle. A sign of the times at our house this week!

  3. virus?, hello! you need to lay off the bourbon!


    glad you're feeling better & glad you thought of me when you were listening to Shoop.

    straight up, wait up, hold up, mista lova.
