Friday, March 2, 2007

My Birthday!

Yay! Today was my birthday! I think that the hallmark of being an adult is not really caring about your birthday. I think that I am officially an adult. It's fun that it is a day that people reach out and take a special notice of you, but is just another day. I still had to get up when I didn't want to and change poopy diapers and Lucy's spit up out of my hair (that actually did happen today and it took me four hours to get around to cleaning it out of my hair). It wasn't really a different day than any other for me. mom and dad came in town-which doesn't happen very often. And they babysat for Matt and me so that we could go on a date! That was really fun. And they brought presents for me! I got a new necklace from my mom with my initials engraved on a little silver pendant. It is very pretty. I got a cookbook and she bought me a new copy of one of my favorite books that I lent and never got back. They were all very sweet presents. And let's not forget the new camera!

Matt took me out to eat at Zambra's, a tappas (sp?) bar in Asheville and we loved it! We got to sit very close to each other in a corner booth that had lots of pillows and dark lighting. MMMM romantic! It was very yummy too! Thanks Robin for the Sangria suggestion-delicious! Then we went to Old Europe for some yuppy coffee. It was a really nice night-it was just fun to have some special time with my Big Man!

So tomorrow, I will be back to being normal. Just 29. But at least mom and dad will still be in town! Any suggestions for what we ought to do with the rest of the weekend?


  1. Hello foxy mama! You and Matt both look fabulous in that picture from your romantic dinner.
    You share a birthday with all those cool people? You lucky girl! I think the only "celebrity" who shares mine is Ralph Macchio, a.k.a. The Karate Kid.

  2. well looky looky at you- all hot n stuff!

    so glad you had a good time with your funny husband.

    you were drunk weren't you?!!

    did you get a chance to prance around in your birthday suit?

    (i know, i am ridiculous)
