Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No posts

Sorry for the lack of posts today. Asher felt great all day yesterday so we ventured out to the mall this morning so that I could do some spring clothes shopping for me. We stopped in GapKids and Asher blew chunks all over the store. I had to buy what was in my hand because he puked on it.
We just got back from the doctors and all he could tell me was that this ought to end soon. I sure as crap hope so. Once we got home, Asher threw up again. This sucks.
Sorry, I am tired and worn out from this sickness and from all the cleaning up.

Notice the puke bowl and the bags underneath Mommy's eyes? Let's be done with this sickness okay?

1 comment:

  1. Funny, the same thing happened to me once. I was at Old Navy with the twins, and we were in the check-out line, and Evy just threw up all over the floor. Then she looked at me and said "uh-oh," and started to cry. Josephine had no idea what was going on, and the poor lady who worked at Old Navy had to clean it up and she was gagging and almost threw up. It was all over Evy's clothes so I took my fleece off and stripped her down to her diaper and she wore my fleece home. This was in December, one of those crazy cold & windy days. Anyway, we got home and I fed them chicken soup for lunch and then about an hour later Evy threw up all over the living room floor. Awesome!
    So, I've been there, it sucks. I pray for calm stomachs (etc.) at your house and I hope YOU feel better soon, too!
