Monday, March 5, 2007

Sweet Baby Nate

Well, he's not so much a baby since he's two. But his mom, my sister-in-law Jeannie called tonight to ask for some prayers for Nate because he has been complaining of back pain for about two months. They took him to the doctor and x-rays revealed a pretty significant curviture in his spine. Since two-year-olds don't have back pain typically, there are alot of alarms going off in the doctor's mind and in Jeannie and Kelly's minds. The first thing that they are going to do is physical therapy for a few weeks to see if little Nate just tweaked a muscle in his back and has been over compensating for the pain. If that is the case, the curviture should correct itself through the PT. If it doesn't correct itself, then it sets a whole other set of wheels in motion. We are praying (and would love for you to join in) that this is the case. Thanks for praying!

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