Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update on Nate

Jeannie emailed me a little while ago and said that Nate woke up in the middle of the night due to his back pain. He is going to the hospital right now for a bone scan to see if he has a tumor, fracture or infection. They want to schedule an MRI for the next day or so. If that can't be done, they will admit Nate in order to get an in-patient MRI. I know that this is really scary for Jeannie, Kelly, Watts and most importantly Nate. I can't imagine going through this with Asher. Please pray for them and I will update you as we get news. Thanks!


  1. I will certainly pray hard for him and the whole family. There's nothing more difficult than to see your child hurting.

  2. i hope he's okay!

    that is so scary.

    i'll pray too.
