Thursday, April 19, 2007

Celebrate Earth Day and clean out your house!

We decided to celebrate Earth Day a day early by cleaning out all of the electronic crap that has been junking up our house for far too long.
Yesterday on the blog they listed a link to find out where you can recycle your electronics safely and I found one here in Asheville. It is awesome! They clean up computers according to Department of Defense standards. Any computer that can be salvaged they give to a needy organization or school and anything else that can be resold, reused or recycled, they take care of it.
It is great because Matt's work was getting new computers last year and so he needed to get rid of the towers that they had. Unfortunately, he doesn't know a whole lot about computers and so he didn't know if there was sensitive material on the computers. For a long time, these desktop towers were in our garage; which wasn't too bad. But then he decided to clean out our garage but didn't feel comfortable giving them away and you can't really just throw computers into your garbage can because it will leach lead and mercury into the soil. So these two computers once it was determined that they could no longer stay in our garage and couldn't go to the landfill, Matt put them outside in our yard. Which is where they have stayed for the last seven or eight months. That's right months.
But today, we took those computers, an old laptop and an old fax machine and dropped them off at the computer recycling center and they are removed from our lives! Freedom! I love it! Thank you Blue Ridge Recycling!


  1. Hey Leslie! This is Erin Benson, well Erin Shelton now! WOOHOO! After 8 months of marriage, we finally decided to get internet at home. One of the firs things I wanted to look up was your website. So, thank you for redirecting traffic to your new blog. I loved being able to stalk the Sloans! It is amazing how much life has changed since I have seen you. It is crazy! I would love to find a time (maybe this summer) for lunch or something. We are living in Brevard now. Email me sometime. Thanks again for sharing your family with us over the internet. It was great to be updated on long lost friends!

  2. Hey, it might help if I give you my email address- or you can call me 828-877 2527!

  3. Hey Erin! Thanks for the comments! I would love to see you too! I will be in touch!

  4. Hey again! Check us out at! Your site looks GREAT!
