Sunday, April 29, 2007

First Birthday Party

I took Asher to his first birthday party today. It was great fun! Dylan DiYeso turned two. His mom Lexi and I played soccer together in college. It has been great reconnecting with Lexi in the last few months especially since she has one little boy, Dylan who is just a few months older than Asher, and she just had another little boy, William in February. Lexi and I had lockers next to each other for three years in college and I have really enjoyed our new friendship!

So anyway, we went to Dylan's birthday at Carrier Park today. I thought that the party was yesterday so we did a dress rehearsal and then today we did the real thing! Asher has been saying, "Happy!" and "Cake!" for two days.

Here he is getting the real thing:

Also, here is a picture of Dylan getting ready to blow out the #2 candle. Happy Birthday Dylan!

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, not sure if Tom has talked to Matt or not, but we're going to be in Black Mtn this weekend. Maybe we can work out seeing y'all? We'll come to you! My email is
