Thursday, May 3, 2007

Looking down the barrel of a gun

I believe that I might be in the last months/days of my laptop. Today, the dumb thing just locked up on me for hours. I just erased about 150 pictures and the useless Microsoft Works that came preloaded on my computer and now it is running super fast (compared to what had been happening!). Now I don't know what is going to happen.
I am thinking that all I might need to do is buy an external hard drive and off-load all of my thousands of pictures onto the hard drive instead of just erasing everything but my absolute favorite pictures. This laptop has been faithful and worked very hard for the last five years. We have definitely gotten our money's worth out of it, however...I know that its days are limited. A laptop can only last so long. But it sucks to think about making such a huge investment again.
So, I am going to do some research and see if all I really need to do is get an external hard drive and can limp through another year. Or, start researching laptops and see if I can get a steal somewhere.

Also, Matt and I just got back from seeing Arcade Fire at the Thomas Wolfe Auditorium...let me just say-I had a blast. Matt, had a harder time. He told me that he's not a big fan of people thinking that they are smart for liking a certain type of music, and he believes that people that like Arcade Fire and Wilco think they are smarter than everyone else. So he was judging US all tonight. For a long time. He had a hard time letting go of it. But by the end, he had to admit that it was a cool show and that he liked the music. I mean, they had nine mics on stage, a church organ, french horns, trumpets, keyboards, xylophones-the WORKS. It was musical mastery at its finest. I really liked it and I got to dance next to Cassia Kessler, which was great fun!


  1. Thanks for looking at my page! Don't you love blogging? About your computer?... If you have A LOT of pictures on your hardrive, that will make your laptop go nuts! Get a USB Flashdrive and transfer them on there. They are relatively cheaper now since they are in high demand! Also, you might want to try to just find someone that "knows" computers to take a look at it and see what they can do. I did and it ran AWESOME afterwards... then it started acting funny in a different way. I ran a spyware called "AdWare" and it cleaned out some major bugs... literally and also cleaned out my cookies! Girl! Just those little things have made a HUGE difference! I talked to one of my friends about getting a new laptop and asked me what my main use is... email, MS Word, etc. For what I use it for, what I have should last a long time and my Sony Vio has lasted me since 2001! Hope that this helps! If none of this works, then you might just have to bite the bullet!

    By the way... in case I didn't mention it last time - Your kids are so cute!

  2. I am chuckling about the fact that Matt doesn't like people who "think they are smarter" for liking a particular kind of music. That is such a foreign idea to me, but I can see now that it certainly does exist. People often "sort" themselves to be with others who like similar music...but then music can also bring people together. What's more uniting than to sing in unison among a crowd of thousands with your favorite artist?
    One of my best days EVER was the day I spent waiting to see Garth Brooks in Central Park. It totally didn't matter if you loved Garth or not (of course I did and still do)...people were just having FUN and being together on a beautiful NYC summer day. Stereotypes went out the window--because who would've ever thought New Yorkers would embrace a country star the way that they did?!? It was INCREDIBLE and I still watch it on my VHS tape from time to time because it gives me chills.
    Love ya!
