Saturday, June 9, 2007

What I have learned at the beach

Since we have spent a lot of time at the beach already this summer, I have learned several lessons. One of the most important ones? That LOTS of moms have some ugly stretched out and beat up tatoos...and many of them are my age and I feel badly for them, I mean I am sure that it seemed like a great idea at the time!
Who am I kidding? I have a tatoo too, but it is hidden from sight and it has made it through two pregnancies remarkably well. All the same, when you see this video, you have to laugh because you know that a whole generation of women is going to recognize that something that is cute at 20 (like a belly ring) is going to be a MAJOR regret later in life. Proof? Watch this video from SNL:

Tatoo Remover - video powered by Metacafe


  1. Really funny! I'm always interested to notice a tattoo on a gal I consider otherwise conservative. Now that my friends are in late 30's and early 40's, it's especially interesting to see their ankle, shoulder or lower back art while we're at the playground or in a kids class. I used to think about getting one but was either too broke or chicken to do it.
    So, today I'm glad I don't have one and wonder if they often/sometimes/or never regret their decision now. Hmmmm....

  2. Oh my gosh, that's funny. That makes me crack up! I don't have a real tattoo, but now that I've had twins I have what basically looks like purple lightning bolts all over my stomach from stretch marks. Nice.
