Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Family that Blogs Together...Stays Together

Well, I have introduced the world of blogging to Matt's family and this week, all of them (well, nearly all of them) decided to launch their own blogs. So I have to pimp them right here.

Matt's sister Buffy, who just had twin girls can be found

Matt's cousin Kelly, who got married in June and just found out that she got pregnant on their first night as a married couple...perhaps with twins can be found at

Matt's other cousin, Katy (also Kelly's sister) has a one year old named Addie and she launched her blog today at

It is great fun that all of us can be found on the interwebs now!

1 comment:

  1. The loser in Matt's family loves reading all of the family blogs...but I'm not quite ready to launch one of my own!
    It would just be a daily list of all the things that my boys destroy in my house - and then all the time that we attempt to fix them.
    Maybe I'll join you all one day!
    Love you!
