Thursday, August 16, 2007

Traveling Again Tomorrow

I am heading out in the morning with Mrs. Natalie Knauer to make a pilgrimmage to IKEA in Atlanta. We will be picking up Slappy from the Grandparents on the way. But the main point of the trip is IKEA. Of course. I hope to get some do dads, thingamajigs and whatzits. But because they come from IKEA, they will be called; okem, ursavi and wibnaaam.

Oh and Buddy and Kathie Odom stopped by our house tonight while Robin Plemmons was visiting because they are taking their baby girl to college. Sniff. I knew her when she was in the 6th grade. I am now old.

We took a bunch of pictures with my photobooth. Check it out:

And because my neice Maggie asked to see the pictures that she, Watts and Nate took earlier in the summer, here they are:
Happy High School Musical 2 Maggie!


  1. Okay... so how does this camera, photobooth feature thing work? That's funny! Those pics. put a smile on my face! Thanks for the laughs.

    visit my blog at:

  2. Is the third picture of Buddy? He looks like Mr. Miagi!

    Thanks for putting the kids' pics on there!


  3. Buffy! that IS Buddy & that is exactly what we said!!


    i'm posting them too cause they make me pee my pants.

    hope ikea was everything you dreamed. remember when you & Shelley took me to my very first Ikea in New York??
