Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sorry for the bad follow-up

I guess that the last post took so much work, I haven't had much energy to put towards the blog. Not really. I have had a major project for work that has taken up all my free time...and that pays the bills if you know what I mean. Also, Matt was out of town all last week. Both kids got ear infections while he was gone (of course) and so I was a little busier than usual.

This past weekend was women's weekend at Windy Gap and my favorite YL women were all here: Dana Martin, Brandi Kellett, Shelly Kaiser, Lindsay Hancock and of course, my sister-in-law Buffy. I pretty much want to be around these women at all times. How can I get an invite to be on the planning committee for next year. Anybody???

It was a great weekend and I loved getting to be around these fun ladies. But what I loved even more than a great weekend with girlfriends was that the Gamecocks beat that slovenly team known as Georgia. AT GEORGIA. Between the freakin' hedges. And USC Women's Soccer is off to the best start in school history at 4-0 and are ranked in the top 25. Incredible.

Oh! And I got my haircut! I took six inches off and I am having a few regrets. I really liked my longer hair, but it was looking ratty and I made a spur of the moment decision to chop it off and I think that I have a mom haircut now. Thoughts?


  1. YES! I have arrived! I made your blog, Leslie Sloan, and I look so good next to you! Seriously, you made my day! Love you, blogger girl!

  2. I think your new haircut is great! You and Lucy look so cute together int the pics. I don't think it looks like a "mom haircut" at all. BUT I think the resemblance (in your face) to our mom is becoming more noticable and that's a good thing since she is a first-class beauty!
    Is there a funny story behind that pic of Matt?

  3. leslie, i love your haircut...it is YOU! i espcially like the black and white photos of you and lucy...i am even more impressed to see that you were able to post something even this quickly after all you have had going on...you are such a great mom and i enjoy keeping up with you all from afar...give matt and the kids love from all of us....Mary (and Ned, Burton and Edward)

  4. I seriously love your hair. It looks great! It was so fun being with you last weekend. I told Ian that I just really love being around you. Thanks, too, for helping me locate my MIA four year old. That nearly sent me into hysterics (which isn't too tough to do these days, but still). Love you! And your haircut. I'm thinking of doing the same, but then again I'm not supposed to get my hair cut anymore, right? Isn't that what Margot said?

    P.S. I love Shelly's eye in the pic I took of you and Dana.
    P.P.S. Quite sure that the "planning team" will need some serious help in the years to come...especially since we all seem to continue having babies and major life changes that happen right around September! I'm sure we'll need help if you're serious!

  5. well thank you all for the haircut love. I am feeling better about it now that I have been convinced by my blog audience!

    seriously Buffy, I am in!

  6. Leslie,
    I love this picture of you an Lucy and I love your new haircut - you look better than ever friend!!
    Love you!
