Friday, October 19, 2007

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Asher was singing this the whole way home today. I just had to get it on video before he never did it again. And yes, he did remove one of his belts from his shoulder. I am not a very capable mother, but at least I taught him "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".


  1. Completely adorable! My favorite part was when he went, "Yeah, Asher."
    So cute!

  2. um, hello. cutest thing ever. he is just too much cuteness.

    i love teaching kids the itsy bitsy spider. i'm a little tea pot is also a bit hit. i'm sure he would excel at that also.

    miss you!

  3. Enjoyed catching up on your blog today. It's been a while. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather - he had an amazing family, and I am sure he was greatly responsible for that. It is fun to see how big the kids are getting since the summer. I love your haircut! Take care!
