Friday, November 30, 2007

Just a Quick Glimpse at My Day

The kids had picture day at their school and so we got them all dolled up and took them to their little nursery school. We ended up at the end of the line and it took forever. So when it came to my turn, Lucy started crying and Asher started pulling ALL of the berries of the prop sled. It was only slightly amazing that they made it out of their alive. I actually threatened a spanking to Asher in front of the school's director. That's classy.

Since we were all dressed up and in terrible moods, what does that call for? Going and sitting on the lap of the scariest man in the world of course! I got EXACTLY the picture I was looking for. Lucy is screaming crying and Asher looks like he has the fear of God and Mommy on his face. In reality, I had just given him his first ever Cinnamon Tic Tac and he was trying to figure out a way to slap that taste out of his mouth.

Doesn't it make you want to visit us during the holiday season?


  1. love it! hilarious!

  2. ha! Just wondering how the "other Lucy and Asher" are doing! :) We had a similar experience with Santa a few weeks back. What a PRECIOUS photo!
