Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lucy's Birthday Video

With Lucy's first birthday only 15 days away, I decided to make her a little video commemorating her first year of life. It might get removed from YouTube pretty quickly since I have music in it. So check it out!


  1. I realized that I left my dad out of the video, I just added him in. But it would take forever to reload it up to YouTube. So this will have to do!

  2. Adorable!!!!! The kids and I just finished watching and loved it! Bravo and Happy early birthday Lucy!

  3. WOW, LESLIE, what an AWESOME video!! Lucy and Asher are very lucky to have you as their mom--what a great celebration of Lucy's first year! Definitely rehearsal dinner material!

    Love, Judy

  4. PRE-CIOUS!!! how creative...

  5. that is so awesome! you must be super-mom to do all that. that was MAJOR :)

  6. I rode a roller coaster...this beautiful video made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me want a little girl!!! She and Asher are so very lucky to have you and Matt as their parents...I also loved the photos of Lucy with her great very you, Mary Newcomb

  7. Wow, that was one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I am very impressed!
