Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekend Recap

This was one of the most festive weekends we have had in a LONG TIME and in order to properly honor this weekend, I dedicate the longest post I have ever written to those of you who will actually read it all.

Matt officiated at a wedding for close friends of our, Jenn Wisecarver and Kyle Murphy. So Friday night, we had the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and then a lingerie shower for Jenn after that. It was great fun, mostly because I got to spend the night with my closest girlfriends helping to prepare another girlfriend for her marriage.

I got home at 1:30am and of course the kids woke up at 7am. Which was not a terrible problem, because I had a full-day planned. I was meeting some friends at the J Crew distribution warehouse. We don't actually have a J Crew here in Asheville. What we have is the ACTUAL warehouse where all orders are shipped from. So once a year, J Crew has a Sample Sale. They sell all of their leftover items, sample items and catalog photshoot leftovers. The rules are really strict. The doors open at 10am, they hand you a price sheet and a garbage bag as you enter the warehouse. If you put something in your bag, you are pretty much buying it because you are not allowed to sort items until you are in line to check out. You can't try on an items. If you do, you will get kicked out. They don't care if you have hundreds of dollars of items, they kicked out three ladies for going through their bags! Seriously. They just had a huge warehouse, full of boxes which were full of clothes. It created this insane frenzy of a shopping experience. I have never been through anything like it.

This is me and Becca tailgating at the sale.

Yes, this is the line at 9:55am.

We got to J Crew at 8:45am. There were over 100 people already there. By 10am, the line was around the building. We got inside in the second group and I bought A LOT OF CLOTHES. For insanely cheap. I actually bought a Cashmere Car Coat for $15. In my size. In my PERFECT size. I also bought a lovely dress for the wedding for $15. Both of those items retail for over $300 combined. I spent $30. Amazing.

So after the J Crew Sale, I came home and got my house ready for Matt's parents to arrive. They were near town due to a funeral service that they were attending and they graciously offered to babysit for us so that we didn't have to hire a babysitter. So I left for the wedding and it was beautiful. Matt did a great job marrying the now Murphy's and we had a great time with our closest friends at the reception.

Me with Robin Plemmons

Me with Sarah Spooner

The last time we were all together at a wedding, we were all HUGE with babies in our bellies.

Ahh the reverand...

During the reception, Matt's parents called and told us that somehow Asher got locked in his room once he went to bed. We didn't realize that the door handle into Asher's room actually has a REAL LOCK on it. And we don't have the key. So after we got home, we tried to convince him to get out of bed and open the door. But instead, our two-year old totally freaked out because "oh-my-gosh, there are people yelling at me outside of my room and I will just cry and panic instead," makes total sense. So after an hour, Matt put his foot through the door a-la "Heeeere's Johnny" and unlocked the door. Then we played with Asher until 1am.

Then we woke up this morning to Lucy's birthday! Hooray, we made it through a year! I can't even believe it. Matt's parents brought her all kinds of presents. Her most favorite was a Corolle doll baby. When she saw the baby, she actually squealed with delight. It was adorable. She spent the morning pushing the baby around in its stroller.

After church, we headed up to our favorite holiday of the season: Plungiving. Pioneer Plunge is a rustic village outside of Windy Gap that kids camp, build and hike at in the summer. So every year at Thanksgiving time, we have all of our friends (in town and out of town) all hike/drive up to Plunge, fry turkeys and everyone brings thanksgiving sides. It is a FEAST! Three years ago, we announced our pregnancy with Asher at Plungiving. It was really fun to be up there this afternoon, just take a look at the pictures.

So it was a FULL weekend, we need this week to recover! But instead, we will be hosting a birthday party tomorrow night for Lucy and Knox Troyer since they were both born this week last year. Deep breath. Sleep will be needed soon.


  1. Man, that was a seriously full weekend y'all had. I think it so cool that Matt officiated at a wedding! It must have been so special.
    BTW, your green JCrew dress...gorgeous! You looked stunning!!!

  2. I would like to add that your family is adorable. Cute piggy tails, overalls, funny faces, etc...

  3. I just laughed out loud at Matt putting his foot through the door while Asher was panicking! HILARIOUS!
