Friday, December 14, 2007

Momma needs a nap

I found myself today being very cranky. And in front of my dear friend Natalie. With my kids, her child and the Troyer kids. We have a great little trade-off group where two moms watch all of the kids and the third mom gets the morning off to do whatever she wants. I really do look forward to it all week long.

But this morning, I was going off of just a few hours sleep because I had my Bible study with high school girls at 7. Only one girl came and she was 20 minutes late. I was a little frustrated with that. And I just was short on patience when I came back home. Then Lucy and Asher decided that they both needed to poop about every 30 minutes this morning.

Asher doesn't like to go #2 in the potty, so every trip to the bathroom was a fight. And Lucy was uncomfortable and frustrated all morning long. And we had two other one-year olds and a three year-old in the mix. I am not proud of the tone of my voice from this morning. Or how I treated my kids.

Ugh. Not my favorite day.
I hate how I acted.

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