Friday, December 21, 2007

What's Grosser Than Gross?

Last night Matt and I hired a high school friend to babysit for our kids. We had to go to a work-related event and so we left the kids in her care. Normally, she is a GREAT babysitter and to be fair, this story is nearly entirely my fault.
She texted me close to 7pm asking if she needed to give Lucy a bottle before going to bed. She hasn't babysat for us since Lucy has kicked the nighttime bottle, but I didn't have my cellphone on me. I left it in the car.
I didn't figure it would be a big deal, just fix her a sippy cup and she can drink some milk before going to bed. 
Well, we got home last night and the babysitter had found an old bottle in the depths of my fridge and had given it to Lucy. Now, by old bottle I mean; it could be two months old. The curds were still on the bottle when we got home. 
Doesn't that just make the bile rise up in the back of your throat?
Lucy has shown no ill effects and the babysitter said, "She just took that bottle down!" Thankfully, it was only a four-ounce bottle. 


  1. for some reason, when I am trying to edit this browser crasher. So, I am editing this story here. The reason why this is "mostly my fault" is that I left the bottle in the fridge for two months. Who does that? I just forgot and never cleaned it out. Ugh...

  2. Oh my gracious. That is hilarious! And makes me feel better about the things possibly growing mold in my own fridge. That does make me throw up in my mouth a little, though.
