Thursday, January 10, 2008

Just here in Orlando

Sorry about the break from blogging. Matt and I are in Orlando, FL at the Young Life All-Staff Conference. It is amazing. Four thousand Young Life staffers all gathering in one place.
It is like a giant reunion of some of our favorite people! It is super intense cause you have these amazing five minute long reunions and deep conversations and then move ten feet down and do it again. Then you go to the session meetings and cry your face off from what you are hearing and then laugh your face off at what you are hearing.
We are sleeping well.
Last night, Jeff Foxworthy, who is a Wyldife leader; came out and did a set. I have not ever laughed that hard for that long before. It was a great surprise!
We are heading to the pool to read Real Simple and hang out with our friends. Cause we are all kid-free and loving it!

Sorry for no communication, the conference center charges $15 a day for internet service. So we are only buying it for one 24-hour period.

See you when we get back!

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