Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 3 missed

My kids little nursery school called yesterday and had me pick up the kids early because THEY were sick. How did I miss this?

Anyway, I took the kids to the doctor and on the way there I was struck with the worst migraine that I have ever had.

He gave me an imitrex (thank goodness) and told me the kids have a stomach virus. We came home and Matt took the kids so I could go to bed.

I got up in the evening and the kids went to bed. I was still feeling awful but managed to watch the Primary returns. Around 11:30, Asher starting throwing up. Yes, we officially have another stomach virus at our house.

So needless to say, I didn't get a workout in yesterday. And I doubt that I will manage one today since Matt is out of town until tomorrow and I can't take sicky to the Y. Maybe I can do a yoga class or something on InDemand.

But I was excited to hear that my mom has joined our workout club and that she has loved the challenge. Anyone else join and not let me know? Leave a comment!


  1. I got motivated by your challenge and actually worked out today too! I did a nice 30 min run and was totally jamming out to "Read My Mind" by the Killers. Will I be able to keep this up? Who knows...but I will try.

  2. I don't know if I count, but I too am trying to do the 30 min a day. Did a Pilates video yesterday while Bennett watched Elmo and I am a sore in the abs today. A good sign I hope! Seriously, a stomach bug! Just hope that you don't have post infectious diareah for 4 weeks. Coop can be at my house if your kids are feeling better by Friday morning. We'll talk!
