Sunday, February 3, 2008

Disclosure, Week 1

I forgot to post this yesterday because it was such a nice day...we spent the whole day outside! 
But here it is. My weight on Feb. 2, the starting weight for the month was 137 pounds. 

Yikes, no matter what you think of that number, it is difficult to write and post it for the world to see! Hopefully it will be the start of something good! 


  1. Found your blog via Christa Anderson. You are hilarious. Good luck with the weight thing. I am right there with you but probably won't disclose the amount of pounds I carry. I do have a little extra right now. Fun blog.

  2. um, i don't think i've been 137 lbs since i was a yungin.

    and you look awesome.

  3. Hey, I'm right there with ya too, sister (pretty much literally - there's only a couple pounds difference). I lost like 8 pounds thanks to a stomach virus over Christmas but was told "Oh, you'll gain it all back when you start eating again." I hate it when my mother is right about things like that. As of this morning I've gained 7 of it back. Props to you for running - I get tired just walking up the stairs in my house...and then I eat an oatmeal cookie and take a nap. Just kidding it's not that bad...well, maybe....

  4. OK so 137 is super tiny, I think. Of course, this coming from a woman who weighs a couple pounds less than she did when she came home from the hospital nine months ago after having twins. Seriously, Leslie, you're killing me. You look great - don't lose a POUND! Now pass the Breyer's.

