Saturday, February 9, 2008

Full Disclosure Week 2

Well, I didn't make it to the gym as often as I wanted to this week due to my migraine that required medication and then the subsequent stomach virus that struck our house on Tuesday.

So I gained a pound. Now I am at 138. A little disheartening but not terrible. I just have to get after it this week.'s all gaining muscle weight right???

I can't tell you how many times in my life I have stepped on the scale and said those words to myself. The aftermath of a brain messed up by coaches, weight trainers and dieticians in college.

So my favorite song of the week?
Rehab by Amy Winehouse

Yes, she is a crack addict who was denied a visa because of her crack habit. But that chick can sing. Check her out on the Grammy's tomorrow night.

And here is a little sercy for you:
this is what my house looks like almost every single night

yes duck calls, soccer and nakey time. Come on by around 7pm and this is what you will get.


  1. A great song to workout to: Any Way You Choose To Give It by The Black Ghosts (actually all 4 songs on that album are great). Also, Is It Any Wonder by Keane, another great workout tune. Enjoy :)

  2. I completely agree and was going to recommend that song too! It is on my playlist and great as a #3 song once you've gotten a good pace going.
    That video is hilarious...and eerily similar to one I filmed of my kids this weekend. :-)
