Saturday, February 16, 2008

Full Disclosure Week 3

I have been faithful this week in going to Y everyday. Well except yesterday. It turns out that Friday's are the toughest day for me to schedule time there. Maybe I am feeling guilty over leaving my kids there, maybe I am tired from the long week, maybe I am just busier than usual on Fridays. Whatever the reason, it didn't work out yesterday. But this morning, the kids and I headed downtown and managed to get a really nice long workout in.

So the weigh in for this week brought me to: 137.4. Not too bad. I lost .6 pounds from last week and in the middle of the week, I actually saw the number 135 on the scale. But it is good to remember that so many things factor into what your weight is on a certain day of the week. Fluid intake, hormones and just as simple as what you had for dinner the night before...all of these things play a role. So I am not stressing the weight. At least I am not GAINING weight right?

Onto songs of the week to add to the list. All of these songs inspired me to run faster, longer and harder than I ever have in my life. Some you may recognize, some you may not. I don't care, it's MY list! Haha!

Here it is:
Let's Hear It for the Boy: Denise Williams (classic 80's tune)
We're Not Gonna Take It: Twisted Sister
Unskinny Bop: Poison
Keep the Car Running: Arcade Fire
Mr. Brightside: The Killers
Fighter: Christina Aguilera
Istanbul Not Constantinople: They Might Be Giants
Daydream Believer: The Monkees
Dancing in the Dark: Bruce Springsteen


  1. you need to add Outkast's Bombs Over Baghdad.

    not that i run or anything. or even want to. i'm just sayin'.

    oh, and the playground was AMAZING! thanks for the directions!

  2. I will definitely put this playlist on my ipod and give it a try.
    Yesterday I had a tough time getting into a groove with my workout until I switched over to my trusty 80's playlist. May I also recommend "Keep Feeling Fascination" and "Blister in the Sun" for your running pleasure?

  3. great! yes, it is better than gaining that much in a week

    i have been on weight watchers now for 4 weeks and walking at least 3 times a week

    i have lost 4.4 lbs, but am committed to my goal of losing 18, no matter how long it takes!!

    i am hoping when i weigh in today that i will get my 5 lb pin!!

    thanks for xtra the encouragement on your blog...accountability is such a great motivator, as well as my weight watchers group ya, mary in albany

  4. Way to go, Leslie! I am inspired by your commitment - and your bravery to post your weight on your blog. Hope you guys are doing well.

  5. Leslie, you are so funny! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! You are the best writer. Yeah, you are also very inspiring. I feel like I need to get on the scale now. You seriously look great, better than ever.
    And your kids are so cute. I love the little video clip of your life. And...I've been thinking about doing the hair chop off/give away, so I really enjoyed that real life clip as well. I need to wait a little longer, but this hair is a growin!! Driving me crazy!!'Love you, Jenn
