Friday, February 1, 2008

It's a New Month

Matt has asked his staff to incorporate new daily disciplines into their routines this month. He does this often and they are VERY hard to actually do. I am posting this months challenge as a challenge to those who read this blog to also take part in this. The season of Lent begins next week, so it is always helpful to consider this time of year as a season of self-denial and start to remove the grip that certain vices may have on our lives.

Some people choose to keep their disciplines private in order for it to remain something just between them and God, but I need as many gold stars in my life as possible, as well as a forum for public shaming in order to keep me on my toes and actually do the things that I attempt to begin.

So with that being said, here is the months challenge: Exercise 30 minutes a day, Monday through Friday. Exercise can be many things, so for me it is going to mean continuously moving my body for 30 minutes straight.

In order to keep myself held accountable, I will post what kind of exercise I have done for the day. I will also post the most motivating song of the day, so that by the end of the month I will have a kick-a** playlist to run to. I will also post on Saturdays what my starting weight for the week was and what my weight was one week later. This is NOT about weight, but it helps to see how effective I am at what I am doing. Also, if I gain might motivate me to work harder. If I lose weight, maybe it will encourage you to begin an exercise regimen.

Mostly, this is just about me and how MUCH it helps me to be a better mom, wife and person when I am taking care of myself physically. During the season of Lent, I will add more disciplines into my life for the 40 day period. But for today, I just have to get 30 minutes under my belt! And hopefully, I will be able to tighten that belt even smaller by the end of the month. How about you? Will you incorporate any disciplines into your life this month? Share them here! (keep it clean please)

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