Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Asher Sings The Hits

Here is Asher singing every song he knows...but finishing none of them because he is so excited about being on video:

It's pretty much the cutest thing you have ever seen. I know.


  1. I think our boys would have more fun singing together!!! one day perhaps. love you

  2. Oh my gracious! That is so so funny! Thanks for making me crack up this morning. You should send that in to Ellen. I love the part when you see Lucy's head scoot by in the background. Miss y'all.


  3. i love his cute little head shake!

    um, yeah. he's just adorable. and maybe one day he can get those dumb abc's right...

    jk- i'm not really cracking on your child, or am i?

  4. He really is adorable and I know you hear this all the time but he's the perfect version of a little Matt! Hope to see y'all soon.
