Friday, March 21, 2008


Asher has been getting a lot of press on the blog lately, but the truth is...Lucy has even more personality than her brother. I know that is hard to believe. But she cracks me up every hour right now. She is always doing something silly, for example right now she is trying to climb UNDER my couch and is very mad that she can't. VERY MAD.

But here are some pictures of the kids from this past week:

Oh, and the toy of the week? An old pair of goggles.

Who would have guessed that those would be the toy that both of my kids are fighting over. I would give them another pair, but all I have left are my serious very nice goggles that make it possible for me to swim. And I can't make that sacrifice. Not even for my children.


  1. she is such a character. i love her sweet little face.

  2. Matt and I are looking at this he thinks that Lucy is just a girl version of Asher, but I disagree. I really see a lot of your mom in her. At least that is what I thought when I first looked at the pictures. Just thought you might want to know.

  3. Cannot believe how big she is! She's so precious. Hope you guys are doing well!
