Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And the Award Goes to...

Jill Rutland and family for sending me an awesome package during the first week of camp!
Thank you Jill! Matt and the program team are enjoying the five-count 'em five boxes of Mike and Ikes that Jill sent. I, for one; am grateful for the four rolls of real toilet paper and the yummy smelling body wash and lotion. The kids love all of the toys and the fun ice cube trays. You are the best!

Honorable Mention goes to Luke Davis in Texas for sending me a book to read at camp that arrived the day we got to camp. If you haven't read or heard of Same Kind of Different As Me...well you might want to head over to Amazon.com right now and pick that book up. It is simply amazing. Really.
Many thanks to Luke for thinking of us!

We are smack in the middle of Week 2 and we are all holding up well. Mood swings are starting to occur and I am sure that it is due to a lack of sleep for the adults! The team is getting along so well that we are all hanging out until 1am most nights. It is really fun to go on assignment with people that you love and are good friends with.

The surprise of the assignment is that Kelly and Ogden Tabb from Augusta, GA are on the team with us. Kelly and Ogden went to college with Matt and I and we were leaders together. I didn't know them super well because they got married in college and well...were grown-ups before all of us! But we have had many laughs remembering things and people from college. It has been a really good time.

Who wants to come visit? We have adult guest spots open and we can have visitors. If you would like to come up for the day or the week...please let me know!

sorry about the lack of posting. We are really busy and the internet service is terrible. So this is as good as it gets!


  1. Just want to you to know that I'm reading regularly and that the Blands in greensboro are praying tons for you all, for the kids and for health and rest. Keep up the wonderful work for jesus! (and PS- still, to this day, whenever I hear that "party" song you used in role-play 2002 at sharp-top I think of you and our time there.)Love to you all!

  2. is this a 3 week or 4 week session? hope y'all are having fun!

  3. We will be here for four weeks. Thanks Heather! You guys are the best!
