Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day O' Injuries

Today Matt and I both sustained injuries on the water weenie dock.
You heard me right, the water weenie dock.

At Saranac, they have a floating dock about 100 yards from shore. Attached to the floating dock is a 15 foot long inflated cylinder called the "water weenie." The point is simply to try to run to the end and fall into the water. We were running on it and I lost my balance about mid-point and fell onto the tube with my arm extended into the air and felt a popping sensation. Fantastic.

It didn't seem like a big deal and I moved on to wakeboarding, the giant slide and all the rest of the waterfront including SAILING!

Tonight, my whole side tightened up and I can no longer extend my arm above my shoulder at all.

Matt, meanwhile began to wrestle guys on the same floating dock. He lifted several at one time and reinjured his neck. He hurt his neck earlier this year pretty much doing the same thing and had to spend two months in the chiropractors office. Now he can't swivel his head back and forth.

Besides getting hurt, we are having the times of our lives. Our cabin got the canoe breakfast this morning and got to paddle to a nearby island in a giant indian canoe that holds 20 people at a time. It was beautiful and a great way to start off the day.

Thanks for praying and I will upload pictures soon, I SWEAR!


  1. So wonderful to hear about saranac.... SO many memories! Awesome you got canoe bfast. I'm praying for you and matt and your kiddos. (oh, and your actual kiddos back home too :) ) love-hmb

  2. maybe this is GOD telling you that you two are just way too old to be playing on a water weenie.

    just kiddin'. you're NEVER too old for a water weenie!

    i think i just like the words water weenie.

    seriously hope you guys feel better like, asap!

    i'm praying.
