Friday, July 4, 2008

Pinnacle Moment

Today it was our cabins turn to go parasailing. I am especially fond of this cabin ride since my best friend Robin met Jesus while on the parasail at Saranac.

Today was an amazingly beautiful day to take the girls out. It was 75, clear and sunny. We already had fun in the morning and were excited since we were the very last cabin in camp to get to go on the ride.We got out to our spot on the lake and groups of three were whisked away from the boat and we saw them laughing, screaming and just taking in the beauty that surrounds us.
As each group was pulled in, their faces revealed pure exhilaration. They loved it.
Since no other cabins were waiting to go on the ride, our boat drivers let us jump into the water, swim around, pull each other off of the boat, jump from the top of the ladder etc. Our girls were having a blast just being kids. No boys, no distractions, they were just kids again.

Soon, it was time to go and as we headed back towards camp; the boat surged and we were flying along the water. It was so loud that the girls lost all inhibitions and they began to sing. They sang without fear, without holding back, with everything they had. It was amazing to sit back and watch these girls as they experienced freedom. PURE freedom. It was a beautiful moment to watch them let go and be free, even just for a moment. Most of them have just finished their freshman year, with a few sophomores. The difference between a freshman and a sophomore would astound you. Regrets are different. The chip on their shoulder doesn't quite have the same groove yet. And it was great to see all of them return; even for a moment, to being a little girl.

I felt like the luckiest person in the world to watch it, experience it and love them. Also, I am sad for them because as soon as the boat rounded the corner to come back into camp; the singing stopped. Everything became quiet. The world returned and they had to enter back into it. Life is still incredibly safe and great at camp. But not nearly what it was on the boat out in the middle of the lake with just us girls aboard.

Tomorrow we will be leaving camp and many of the girls are anxious about what their lives will look like back home. The only hope that we have to offer them is this:

"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8:31


  1. They may have to leave Saranac physically but the gift they have been given will never be taken away. Like Rawbin, you can take the girl out of Saranac but not Saranac out of the girl! Thanks for serving them.
    And thanks for letting us have your kids.

  2. So great. Thanks for sharing that, Leslie. You are so right - and so wise to see what was happening in those girls' hearts. Thanks for reminding me of the freedom I have in Christ!


  3. Why am I crying? Thanks for sharing Les.

  4. thanks for making me cry at the dripolator, dummy.

  5. it really was my favorite parasail ride ever. you are awesome leslie! miss yall already.

  6. Perfect scripture. Who CAN be against us?? I will pray for them to see that truth and believe it. Have a safe trip home. We're still praying.... the blands
