Friday, August 22, 2008

Killer Dog

Slappy, our weiner dog has turned into a killer.

A killer of moles that is. Or Voles. I am not exactly sure of the correct term. In the last two weeks, she has killed three of them in our yard. I have pictures of one dead one. But I found this one on the internet and it gives a better description that mine does.

It has been a bit shocking to see her playing, flopping a dead one of these things around in our yard.

Slappy has also been wearing out her welcome by becoming something else that I have to take care of all day long. I am ready to introduce her to a new family soon I think. Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. hey there!

    Just wanted to reply to your comment you left on my blog :) ...
    thanks for passing it along, a few others wrote me and said they had done the same. I really appreciate the support for everyone- it means alot!
    The animal in this pic is a mole- i think the ones wihtout the cute webbed feet are the voles. My cats used to kill them so often! ack!
