Friday, August 8, 2008

My Precious Kids and I want a new camera

I was inspired by the amazing weather and evening light to take Asher and Lucy outside, even if just for five minutes with my camera this evening.

Also, here at some pics that I took at the lake with the cousins over the weekend.

So you might ask, why would I want a new camera? I think that I have maxed out what my camera can do. Also, I am disappointed in the sharpness of the pictures. I think that there are flaws with this camera that I can't work out and it makes me less satisfied with my work right now. I would love to move up a level. Anybody at Canon wanna give me a new fat camera to "demo"?


  1. Those are some gorgeous children Leslie! Cannot wait to get the chance to photograph them!!

  2. Love Love Love the pics! You sure have two cutie patooties!

  3. AAAAAAAHHHH! Those are incredible. I love the lighting and the way you captured their personalities. I am amazed at how big Lucy is getting. Wow! How may I get a print of some of these?

  4. Les! these are sooooo great! Yay you!

    i love your babies.
