Friday, September 26, 2008

Les Miserables

This week, the Broadway musical Les Miserables has come back into my life because of a musical number that our YL staff and leaders are putting together for our banquet on Monday.

Matt was talking to me about a particular song and I knew it right away because well...I have seen the musical many times and LOVE IT.

But it has spurred another memory. On Saturday mornings my dad would start the "house cleaning brigade" and the musical soundtrack included the entire Broadway cast recordings of Les Miserable AND Phantom of the Opera.

All that has to happen is for me to hear the opening notes from either musical and I am ready to get whipped into a cleaning frenzy of picking up fuzz from the stairs to avoiding the scary man puppet in the living room.

Just a taste to get you ready for house cleaning tomorrow morning:

Just marvelous

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing so hard--as I said, not everyone will get the reference to scary man puppet. Thank you. You are hilarious.
