Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The House Saga Continues

As many of you know, our house is STILL for sale. It has only been a few months, but it is getting old. Especially since the house across the street is for sale as well AND more expensive. So people that are looking at that house just want to take a peek at ours and this results in five minutes notice before they are in the house.

This weekend we had a showing and had a full day's notice before they came in. How fantastic! We got to mop the floors, dust the bookshelves and get all the junk out that just clutters up the house.

They are coming back tonight to take another look. From 5:30-6:30!!!
We hope that they want to buy it. Seriously.

We had YL club last night (the first one of the year) and 70 kids showed up. 70! And I can safely say that I knew about 12. Which leave 58 kids to get to know, plus their parents, friends etc. It was overwhelming. And so exciting. We had a ton of fun and it made me love what we get to do even more.

It also made me want to move more quickly. The real reason we are moving is to be near high school kids that we have been called to. This is NOT a money making venture. This is a Jesus venture. Please pray that we would get an offer that is in the ballpark and that we can move forward on this! We are officially READY to make it happen!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Les! Great news about club last night..and the second showing. We are praying! Love y'all. Heard the banquet was incredible.

