Friday, October 17, 2008

Just a little bit of the crazzy

At Matt's Grandmother's house, there was a picture that one of the cousin's drew that had a headline that read, "Slap Me, I'm CRAZZZZY!" Which is exactly how I feel at the moment.

Our house officially is under contract. The appraisal and inspection have gone through fine. We have a "domino closing" set for Friday, October 31st.

The house we are buying in South Asheville is truly from the Lord, but turning this whole thing around in the next 10 days is insane.

I have packed about 15 boxes and I have not even scratched the surface. And I feel like I have very little in the way of "clutter" as compared to most people I know. So, how do normal people move? I don't know, we are going to make it happen but not before we have a committee meeting, two YL clubs, work every day, two college life meetings, two soccer games, Matt is speaking next weekend at Windy Gap and as soon as we move into the house; I am leaving for a four-day trip to New Jersey to see my sister.

Fantastic. Why wouldn't I sit around for the evening watching the new Real Simple show on TLC, followed by a two-hour game of Settlers of Catan? It's not like I have anything to DO.


  1. Every time we've moved-- and that's eight times in 10 years now-- it has been crazy. Non-stop packing of boxes, then barely being able to move from one room to another because of all of the boxes stacked up, then long, late days and nights of packing leading up to moving day. We've always had a frantic "throw it in the box" morning of the move, as well.

    The last time, the best thing that happened (or at least one of them) was that our kids went and spent all day with one of our closest friends, whose kids are the same age and are best friends with our kids. They spent all of moving day with them, so we knew they were completely content and well cared-for, and we were free to take care of moving details.

    After the last move, I have been slowly de-cluttering our stuff more and more. Not in the clutter-vigilante sort of way, but in the organize and purge way. We don't want to move anytime soon-- and could stay in this house easily for several more years or longer. But when we do move again, I'm optimistic that by then I'll have most or all of it under control! (Yeah, right...)

  2. I'm not really sure what kind of help I can be seeing as my schedule is equally insane, but if you think of anything, let me know. Or I can just sit on the porch and shoot at bears.
