Saturday, November 1, 2008

Closing Was Terrible

We jut went through an ordeal yesterday that I can't really get into. But we had a to do a "dry closing" and hope that we get paid for our house on Monday and then we can buy Sandy's house. All the papers are signed, just waiting on the money now.

I am exhausted.
But I am also in New Jersey! I planned to visit my sister for her birthday about two months ago and so I escaped the insane asylum for someone else's insane asylum in New Jersey! It is so fun to be here and have no distractions and just get to love on my sister for a few days.

I landed in Newark at 11:40 and was in the Newark Ikea at noon. Is life great or what???

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, we've been keeping up on everything! I'm so sorry to hear that you had a little snag, but praying that it's already resolved by now.
