Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Heavenly Thanksgiving

We had a heavenly Thanksgiving weekend thanks to our kids being really amazing, an incredible feast with family in Columbia, a road trip to Orlando, three days in 80 degree weather and a magical night at Disney World.

I have plenty of thoughts to come on all of that (to come soon!) but I have been editing a little snippet for you to get a snapshot of our weekend. Enjoy!


  1. Thank Y'ALL! It was AWESOME to get to spend all that time with all the grandkids---and their parents, of course!!! We had a ball, too!

  2. 1) I think I gained 5 lbs just watching the video and looking at all that yummy food. 2) I love how Lucy can hold her own couch jumping with the shirtless boys and 3) those Disney pics are precious. I can't wait to make this year's Christmas the best ever too when we see you in just THREE weeks! XOXOXO

  3. Also, BRAVO on the excellent cinematography, art direction and production!!!!

  4. That was a great video! I am so impressed with your skills! Love, Natalie

  5. I mean, really?! That was awesome. I love how the kids tear apart their formal living room to jump on the couch.

    So glad it was a hit!

  6. LOVE IT! Precious! Thank you for sharing.

  7. WOW!
    'nuff said.

  8. food tour was fantastic!! pretty sure that picture of Lucy and Cinderella was the cutest thing i've seen in while :) so glad y'all had an awesome time!

  9. What a sweet video. It looks like a great time. It also made me nostalgic for all of my Sloan family friends, and grateful to the Lord for what a wonderful family He has given to y'all (and to the Kingdom).

    I hope all is well there. We missed stopping through to see y'all on the Thanksgiving drive-- did you do another birthday party before you left for all of this? We stayed in TN, since the twins were barely a month old!

    Give my love to Matt, and have a great holiday season.

  10. Ok, it's 7 am and I am bawling in my kitchen after watching that. I love y'all so much! And am so bummed I didn't see everyone on Thanksgiving. I miss you guys!

