Monday, January 19, 2009


We went to visit our sweet brand new baby niece Emmaline Bell Sloan in Columbia this weekend. She was born on Wednesday and we held ourselves back as long as we could!

Before we left, we had to replace our car DVD player because it went on the fritz and unfortunately, the extended warranty expired on 12/30/08. Seriously. I have learned my lesson and I will never buy an extended warranty on anything but a computer again.

Anyway, we bought a new DVD player for the car and we were on our way. We put in Toy Story 2 and Matt and I spent the next hour or so just catching up with each other. It was around Spartanburg that I remarked to him that I didn't remember Buzz Lightyear spoke in Spanish in Toy Story 2. I watched for a second, then the Potato Head was talking in Spanish.

Oops. The default language on the DVD player had been set to Spanish and my kids had been watching Toy Story 2 entirely in Spanish for over an hour.

This was amazing for two reasons.

1) We hadn't heard a peep out of them. So they didn't really notice.
2) We hadn't heard a peep out of them, so WE DIDN'T NOTICE.

That is some good television parenting right there people.


  1. I think that just turned Toy Story 2 into an educational video!

  2. that's stinin' hilarious! totally jealous you got to meet little miss emmaline! give them all hugs and kisses for us!! is david sloan really a dad????!!!!!

  3. you were simply (and unknowingly) giving your children the gift of being bilingual. they will thank you one day.
