Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mama's Got A Brand New Bag

After posting that if I could do anything without failing I would jump into photography...we decided to at least explore that by getting a more serious camera for me.

It is still an entry level DSLR, but it is a MAJOR step up from my last camera and I am oh-so-in love. And I am in love with having bought a 50mm lens to go along with the lens kit that goes along with it.

I can't wait to use it a ton. Get ready for photography gifts people!
In the meantime, here are some pictures of the kids that I snapped this morning:

Yep that's me. I look like I turn 31 next week don't I? Time for some eye cream.
Is it too late for sunscreen?

We have been playing in the sandbox a lot in anticipation of our beach trip coming up next month. The kids don't know about it yet, but Matt and I are hoping for 80 degree days that are probably not possible. But one can always hope.


  1. i am completely green right now...i so badly want a new cannon digital slr that i can use with my lenses! what kind did you get and where did you get it/what kind of deal did you get?

    the shots are great...keep them coming! :)

  2. I got a Canon Xsi from Amazon. It is about $100 cheaper than at Best Buy. I can use the lenses from my film SLR too...I love it!
