Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to You-Here's a Punch to the Mouth

I woke up this morning with Asher and got him watching some television and snuggled back in bed only to hear a "craaaaaack" and I knew immediately that a tree had fallen in our yard.

The first words out of my mouth were "That's a tree" and the next were "We would have heard my car smashing if the tree hit it right?"

Thank God it didn't fall back towards our house because it could have fallen right in line with all of our bedrooms.


  1. Wow. Those pics are crazy. I can't believe your car escaped the worst of that! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here's praying this year is the best year yet.

  2. Oh wow -- that stinks! I am an OLD friend of Matt's and a blogger too and we have many mutual friends -- tell Matt I said hi. Your kids are beautiful -- they look hust like Matt did when he was little.
    Happy Birthday! Amanda
